Bringing the ear acupuncture 5-needle protocol (5NP) to Utah (and beyond!)
Training Materials
See below for required training materials for the POCA AAT course..
Before starting virtual or live training sessions:
Read and link to resources in the latest POCA training manual
Lecture: History, Pivotal Studies Libby Stuyt, MD
Lecture: Public Health, Regulatory, Confidentiality, Legal/Ethical Concerns, Consents plus general Q&A. Beth Howell, MD and others
Further Training Resources
Further resources including Spotify playlist available here
All sessions, readings, video viewings, evaluations, etc must be completed to be eligible for your Acudetox certificate and reimbursement.
Complete self-directed reading and videos:
Self-directed work takes 14-20 hours of reading and viewing, so please allow sufficient time for this material!​
Read all pages and link to all resources in the latest POCA training manual.
Invite family, friends and community to Community Volunteer Sessions (schedule: 2-3 p.m. on Day 1, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. on Day 2)
Watch the following videos:
NYHRE (6’30”)
Points to Change (26’49”)
Unimagined Bridges (17’27”)
Dope is Death (1hr19’15”)(optional commentary lasts another 35’)
More Virtual Lectures:
To be added
Recorded Lectures
Lecture: Neurobiology/Behavioral Changes of Addiction (or pre-recorded)--Beth Howell, MD
Lecture: Integrative Behavioral Health and the 5 Needle Protocol--Amy de la Garza, MD