Bringing the ear acupuncture 5-needle protocol (5NP) to Utah (and beyond!)
Licensed Acupuncturists
We are not Licensed Acupuncturists...
Yes, the 5-Needle Protocol is great, but what if you need or want more?
In Utah, Auricular Acu-Technicians (AATs) and Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists (ADSs) can only use 5 invariant ear acupuncture points allowed by Utah HB 195 passed in 2022.
In Utah, Licensed Acupuncturists (L.Ac.) provide full-body acupuncture and other treatments. Please see a Licensed Acupuncturist if you want full acupuncture services--much more than just the ear 5-Needle Protocol.
We love to refer you to Licensed Acupuncturists for full acupuncture for your health needs! There are many acupuncturists in Utah; we know or have worked with these acupuncturist groups in Salt Lake City:
SEARCH for all licensed acupuncturists in Utah through DOPL:
(Check Acupuncture from the search list; the names of all Utah Licensed Acupuncturists will display. Sort by Status to find all active licensees.)
Read Lisa Rohleder's excellent Substack on the relationship between Licensed Acupuncturists and 5-NP providers.