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Bringing the ear acupuncture 5-needle protocol (5NP) to Utah (and beyond!)
Upcoming Trainings
Do you qualify for the trainings? Make sure you do before registering!
Check out the POCA site for upcoming AAT trainings in the US.
Check out the NADA site for upcoming ADS trainings in the US.
Also, get malpractice insurance that covers Acudetox, or check with your current insurer.
Upcoming Trainings in Utah
Cost will be $410: $50 to join POCA at the Punk Level (required prior to registration) plus $360 for the training.
[***Note that Utah providers will be reimbursed for $400 once your certificate is submitted to DOPL and UtahAcudetox.***]
Register here! Choose carefully; no refunds will be given but we will credit you for a future training if you register and cannot attend.
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